When I set up my “Dawlish Chronicles” website, www.dawlishchronicles.com, some two years ago I included a section called
“Steam, Steel and Strife”, which can be accessed via the “Conflict” button on the
home-page. In this section I intended to
post articles related to naval history which were directly germane to the Dawlish
Chronicles novels themselves. As time went on however, and as my researches continued,
I found it regrettable that not all that I came across could be directly or indirectly
used in my novels. It seemed a pity to let this information go to waste, the
more so since it was likely to be of interest to a large number of naval and history enthusiasts.
I have now accordingly reorganised the listing. The “Conflict”
page (click here to access) now represents a portal to listings of articles in
three historical periods and sequence. These are:
The Age of Fighting
The articles under this heading relate to naval and other
history between 1700 and the early 1830s.
In this period sailing warships reached their zenith of perfection and
the professionalism of naval officers and men was to be a determining factor in
the fate of empires. Articles include accounts of battles, of shipwrecks and
survivals and of unusual aspects of naval-related life.
This is the largest section. The period covered is from 1837
to 1901 and it was characterised by great political change, scientific
discovery and technological innovation. As it started steam was still a novelty
at sea and the Royal Navy was commanded by veterans of the Napoleonic Wars.
When it ended, steam propulsion, steel construction, electricity, and the
deployment of armour, torpedoes and huge
guns had resulted in ships which in many cases would live on to fight in World
War 1. Articles cover topics as diverse as battles, biographies of leading
figures, maritime disasters, weaponry, Arctic exploration and much else. It is
the world in which Nicholas Dawlish makes his career.
These articles are mainly related to the early decades of
the 20th Century. Topics include the rise of the Imperial German Navy, conflict
between Russia and Japan, the Balkan Wars and World War 1 itself, when naval
warfare was to develop in ways not previously envisaged or possible. There was
still a surprising role for sailing craft (in destroying U-Boats!) but aircraft
had also arrived on the scene, playing an unexpected role following a mutiny on
a Dutch warship.
The range of topic is huge and varied and out of over 50 articles
I chosen some examples at random – I hope they’ll encourage you to explore
The Most Ferocious
Frigate Action Ever? HMS Quebec vs Surveillante, 1779
Single ship actions, usually between frigates, are
remembered as some of the most dramatic actions of the age of fighting sail and
they figure as central elements in the naval fiction of Forrester, Pope,
O’Brian and others. Perhaps the most dramatic of all single-frigate action was
fought not during the Revolutionary or Napoleonic Wars, but when French was
locked in conflict with Britain during the American War of Independence. ..
Lonely Lives and
Deaths – French Napoleonic Prisoners of War in Britain 1793-1815
The plight of prisoners of war during the period of the
Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars was particularly poignant. Over 100,000 of
them were brought to Britain during the wars with France that raged from 1793
to 1815, with only a one-year break in 1802/03.The article tells how many ended
up in a small Hampshire town and about the legacy they left behind
HMS Indefatigable vs. Droits de l’Homme 1797
The Royal Navy of the Victorian era was dominated by
memories of what had been achieved in the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars and
indeed up to the mid-19th Century the navy was still commanded by officers who
had seen service in their youths under commanders such as Nelson. This article
describes one of the most ferocious actions of those years.
The End of Fighting
Sail – Sidon, Beirut and Acre 1840
Though steam propulsion was first applied to warships, on a
small scale, in the late 1830s, it was to take another half-century before sail
was finally abandoned by the world’s navies. 1840 was however to see the last
major action by the Royal Navy in which a sailing wooden line-of-battle ship,
of a type almost identical to those which fought under Nelson at Trafalgar in
1805, was to play the leading role.
Britain and France
confront Argentina: The Battle of Obligdo 1845
Today, when one thinks of naval combat between British and
Argentinian forces the Falklands War of 1982 is the case most likely to come to
mind. An equally fierce engagement did however occur 137 years earlier and,
though it is largely forgotten in Britain today, is commemorated annually in
Argentina by a national holiday on each 20th November.
Mallet's Monster
Mortar and the Birth of Seismology 1854/56
The need for massive weapons for breaching fixed land
defences was dramatically illustrated during the Crimean War's Siege of
Sevastopol in 1854/56. One response, by a forgotten Victorian genius, was the
creation of the largest weapon constructed up to that time. Two examples remain
and visiting one of them impelled me to write this piece. But there was more to
the story than weapony alone, for the engineer responsible was to found the
science of Seismology and to prefigure weapons used with devastating effect in
Coast Defence Ships -
Big Bangs in Small Packets 1870-1951
For some eighty years from 1870 small, slow, powerfully
armed and heavily armoured "Coast Defence" ships represented the
backbone of many small navies, and even found limited use in much larger ones.
This long article describes this now
largely-forgotten type of warship and the dramatic fates of some of them.
HMS Shah vs Huascar 1877 - an indecisive but significant single-ship action
An obscure single ship action off the coast of South
America, though inconclusive, was of enormous significance for future naval
warfare. It involved a British cruiser, HMS Shah,
and the Huascar, a rebel Peruvian
ironclad which still exists today, though in another navy.
The ramming of SMS Grosser Kurfürst 1878
For more than four decades from the mid-1860s almost all
warships were built with bows designed for use of ramming as an offensive
tactic. In practice the ram proved to be more of a hazard to friends than to
enemies, and there were numerous cases of serious damage being inflicted,
sometimes fatally, in collisions. One such incident occurred in sight of the
English shore in 1878, resulting in sinking of the newly completed German
ironclad Grosser Kurfürst with the loss of some 270 lives.
Though it is likely that many in her crew disliked the task
assigned them it is fair to say that the mission on which HMS Wasp was engaged at the time of her loss
was one of the most inglorious ever undertaken by the Royal Navy.
Pride, Folly and
Superb Seamanship - HMS Calliope at
Apia 1889
The unlikely location of Samoa saw a confrontation between
American and German naval forces in 1889, with a Royal Navy warship as neutral
observer. This stand-off had the potential to launch a shooting war which would
have had immense impact on subsequent world history. But then a hitherto
unexpected player, Mother Nature herself, dealt the deciding hand...
The varied career of
the Dutch protected cruiser Gelderland
In 1900 a young queen sent a cruiser to rescue a fugitive
South African president. The vessel involved, the Gelderland, was to have a
very varied career thereafter, culminating in a battle off Finland against the
Soviets in 1944. It's quite an amazing story...
A sea battle you've
never heard of: Elli 1912
Though the “Age of Fighting Sail” ended around 1840 as
regards major warships, small sailing craft were to play a very important role
in World War 1 in Britain’s battle against Germany’s U-Boats. And some of the
sailing craft were very small indeed and operating them demanded courage of the
highest order.
The Mutiny on De Zeven Provincien - and its dramatic
ending 1933
This event merits coverage since it is little known of
outside the Netherlands and because its significance goes far beyond its
immediate circumstances. The mutiny was to be terminated in a most unexpected
way, by the aggressive deployment of air power at sea for the first time since
the Great War.