Though steam propulsion was first applied to warships, on a
small scale, in the late 1830s, it was to take another half-century before sail
was finally abandoned by the world’s navies. The process was paralleled with the
replacement of wood by metal – initially iron and later steel – for construction.
1840 was however to see the last major action by the Royal Navy in which a sailing
wooden line-of-battle ship, of a type almost identical to those which fought
under Nelson at Trafalgar in 1805, was to play the leading role. It was however
supported by small steamers. The scene was to be the coasts of modern Lebanon and Israel, then
regarded as part of the Ottoman province of Syria, in 1840.
Bombardment of Sidon, September 27th 1840 |
Present conflicts in the Middle East are only the latest in
a long series of struggles for power which go back to the dawn of history. In the
last two centuries however these clashes have arisen from the weakening and
eventual demise of the Ottoman Empire – a development which still has massive
influence on events today.
In the early nineteenth century the Ottoman Sultan ruled from
Istanbul, in theory at least, a vast empire that stretched from Libya in the west
to the Arabian Gulf in the east, and from what is now Rumania and Serbia in the
north to the Sudan in the south. A weak central government, all too often bedevilled
by corruption and by difficulties in
communication over such a vast area, made it easy for local governors to set themselves
up as semi-independent rulers.
The massacre of the Mamluks in the citadel of Cairo, March 1811 |
The most notable of these was the Muhammad Ali (1769 – 1849),
an Albanian general in the Ottoman Army who was appointed governor of Egypt in
1805. His first step in consolidating his power was to eliminate the Mamluks, the
warrior caste which had ruled Egypt, under the Sultan, for over 600 years. He
did so in 1811 by inviting the Mamluk leaders to a celebration at the Cairo
Citadel. Once gathered there they were surrounded by Muhammad Ali's troops and slaughtered.
He was now de-facto ruler of Egypt and the Sudan by the 1820s was arguably as
powerful as the Sultan himself .
Muhammed Ali |
Muhammad Ali’s only setback in this period stemmed from Intervention
in the Greek War of Liberation, which began in 1821. The Sultan’s army proved
incapable of putting down the revolt and Muhammad Ali was offered the island of
Crete in exchange for his support. Over 16,000 Egyptian soldiers, supported by
the modern fleet that was being built up in Egypt, went to Greece under the command
of Muhammad Ali’s son, Ibrahim Pasha. This
led to intervention on behalf of the Greeks by Britain, France and Russia,
culminating in the battle of Navarino in 1827 in which the entire Egyptian navy
was sunk by an allied fleet, under the command of Admiral Edward Codrington
(1770–1851). This was the last major fleet action under sail and, most
appropriately, Codrington had been one of Nelson’s “Band of Brothers”. He had
joined the Royal Navy in 1783 and had been present at the battles of the Glorious
First of June (1796) and Trafalgar (1805), commanding HMS Orion at the latter.
The destruction of the Egyptian fleet at Navarino, October 1827 |
In compensation for the loss of his fleet Muhammad Ali asked
the Sultan for the Syria – a term which then included modern Lebanon and Israel.
The Sultan refused and in the early 1830s Muhammad Ali, successfully seized Syria,
and much of Arabia, in a campaign notable for Ottoman ineptitude.
A mixture of medieval despot and enthusiast for
modernisation, Muhammad Ali now concentrated on building a powerful and independent
European-style state. No opposition was allowed and the process was often
brutal. He set out to streamline the economy, train a professional bureaucracy,
and build a modern military. He not only encouraged agriculture – the global
demand for cotton was insatiable – and he built an industrial base, primarily focused
on weapons production. By the end of the 1830s, Egypt’s war industries had
constructed nine 100-gun warships and were turning out 1,600 muskets a month.
Muhammed Ali demanding construction of modern warships |
In 1839, the Ottoman Empire, now ruled by the young Sultan
Abdülmecid, attempted to retake Syria. Ottoman ground forces were once again
routed. In June 1840, the entire Ottoman navy defected to Muhammed Ali and the
French Government, with aspirations to regain the control of the area which Napoleon
had won briefly, then lost, decided to offer full support to Muhammad Ali. This
would involve an major strategic reorientation in the Middle East and indeed held
the seeds of a general European conflict (WW1 seven decades too soon!). Britain,
Austro-Hungary, Prussia and Russia decided that preservation of the Ottoman
Empire was paramount and decided to intervene jointly to prevent total
Western negotiations with Muhammed Ali 1839 |
By the “Convention of London”, signed in July 1840, these powers
offered Muhammad Ali and his heirs permanent control over Egypt, the Sudan and
the “Eyalet of Acre” (an area roughly corresponding to modern Israel and Southern
Lebanon) as nominal territories of the Ottoman Empire. Muhammad Ali hesitated,
believing that he could rely on French support. This was a fatal miscalculation.
British and Austrian naval forces moved into action in September
1840. Faced with the possibility that confrontation with Britain could mean war
France, pragmatically but ingloriously, changed sides the following month,
aligning itself with the other European nations against Muhammad Ali. By this time
the Royal Navy and the Austrian Navy had already been in action. Alexandria, to
where the defecting Ottoman fleet had withdrawn, was blockaded and forces were
concentrated on Sidon and Beirut on the Lebanese coast.
HMS Gorgon |
At Sidon, on the Lebanese coast, the withdrawal of the Ottoman
garrison was demanded by the British commander, Commodore Charles Napier. A
refusal bought bombardment by Napier’s squadron on September 27th. This
force was led by the HMS Thunderer, a
two-deck 84-gun second rate ship of the line, launched in 1831 but not significantly
different to ships of the Napoleonic era. In support was a relic of this
period, the 18-gun brig sloop HMS Wasp,
launched in 1812. Significantly however these two sailing vessels were
supported by four steam vessels, Cyclops,
Gorgon, Stromboli and Hydra. (Readers
of this blog will remember meeting HMS Gorgon
in a later action, at the Battle of Obligado, in 1845 – see entry of May 30th
of 2014). Further support was provided by the Austrian sailing frigate Guerrierea of 48-guns and the Ottoman corvette
Gulsefide. The contemporary
illustration below – by A Lieutenant J.F.Warre RN (of whom I have no further details)
– shows the Thunderer at the centre
and the Ottoman and Austrian vessels to the right. The paddle steamers to the left
could be any of the four such British vessels present.
Bombardment of Sidon, September 27th 1840 |
The bombardment seems to have driven the Egyptian defenders
from their positions and, in the best Royal Navy tradition, a naval brigade
landed under Napier’s personal command, supressed any remaining opposition and captured
many prisoners. Beirut was subjected to similar treatment but did not yield
until October 9th, after Napier had again landed and had conducted a
vigorous and successful land campaign.
Paddle sloop HMS Phoenix in action at Acre |
Acre (just north of Haifa) was the remaining Egyptian
stronghold on the Eastern Mediterranean coast. British and Austrian forces, attacked
again led by HMS Thunderer. Following
a bombardment on November 3rd 1840 a small landing party of Austrian,
British and Ottoman troops, led personally by the Austrian fleet commander,
Archduke Friedrich, took the citadel after the Egyptian garrison had fled.
Muhammad Ali now accepted the inevitable and assented to the
terms of the Convention of London on November 27th. He renounced his claims over Crete and Western
Arabia and agreed to hand back the Ottoman fleet and to downsize his remaining naval
forces and standing army. In return he
and his descendants would enjoy hereditary rule over Egypt and Sudan. The
dynasty he established was to rule Egypt – not always gloriously or
successfully – until its final representative, King Farouk, was ousted in the 1952
HMS Thunderer was to
serve on towards the dawn of a new age of naval technology and 1863 was fitted
with iron plate in 1863 for trials of new armour-piercing guns. She survived as
a storage hulk until 1901, initially renamed Comet, and subsequently Nettle,
one of the last links with the age of fighting sail.
And as for Admiral Charles Napier? He was one of the most
colourful characters of the period – so much so that there isn’t space here to
do him justice. He’ll be the subject of a separate blog in the future.
Admiral Sir Charles Napier (1786-1860)
Britannia’s Spartan - and the Taku Forts, 1859
The Anglo-French assault at the Taku Forts in Northern China - and the highly irregular but welcome intervention of the neutral United States Navy - was one of the most dramatic incidents of the mid-nineteenth century. It also led to the only defeat of the Royal Navy between the end of the Napoleonic Wars and the outbreak of World War 1.
A remark of the American commander at the height of the battle - "Blood is thicker than water" - has entered the English language.
The Taku Forts attack event is described in detail in the opening of Britannia's Spartan. Click on the cover image to read it.